Instructions for building the jOAI web application software v3.2 from source. Quick instructions: -------------------------------------------- This software may be built easily using Ant. If you are already using Ant and Tomcat, building the software is a three step process: 1. Obtain the code directory joai-project 2. Set the ant property 'catalina.home' to point to your Tomcat installation. 3. From the joai-project directory, execute the 'deploy' target. This will build the software and place it in a directory named 'oai' inside your Tomcat webapps directory. Detailed instructions: -------------------------------------------- The joai-project code may be obtained at: To build the jOAI software from source you must have the following: 1. joai-project - the jOAI software source code directory 3. Tomcat (available at 4. Ant (available at 5. Java Platform, Standard Edition Build instructions: These instructions assume you will be working in a UNIX command-line environment. The software can also be built on Windows but specific instructions are not provided here. 1. Obtain the joai-project code directory (see above) 2. Obtain and install all the required tools - Java, Ant, Tomcat (see above) 3. Place the joai-project directory into a build directory For example: # cd ~/my_build_area # ls joai-project 4. cd into the joai-project directory. # cd joai-project 5. Create a file named or to your build directory (alternatively this can be placed in your home directory). 6. Edit the file and set the poperty catalina.home to point to your intallation of Tomcat, for example: catalina.home = /home/username/dev/apache-tomcat-8 See the build.xml file located in joai-project for information on the properties settings. 7. Execute the Ant deploy command. # ant deploy You should see a number of messages in your terminal. Once complete you should see a message like: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 36 seconds 8. The software will be built into a directory named oai inside your Tomcat webapps directory. After (re)starting Tomcat you will be able to access the software at the URL http://localhost:8080/oai/ (substitute localhost with your domain name if appropriate).